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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Radio head: The Xfm Breakfast Show
Danny Wallace's new show is funny, understated and just the thing if you don't like shouty shows in the morning
A month after taking over the Xfm Breakfast Show, and there's still a newish feel to Danny Wallace's act. "Let's do what I call Paper View," he suggested just after 7am yesterday. There wasn't unbridled enthusiasm from the team. "I'm persisting with it," Wallace said, leading into a funny take on a story involving someone called Noone; a detail that clearly tickled him. "Donald No-One," he laughed. "It looks like "Noone" on here, but it's clearly No-One."
There are lots of gently humorous moments like that in the show, as you might expect with Wallace at the helm. A caller on a competition was fantastically laidback, a fact Wallace swooped upon. "Thanks for your support," he said, pausing before adding, "and your enthusiasm." There's some rather fine vocabulary too. The phone-in was on things "inadvertently pilfered" and Wallace later commended someone on "excellent use of 'ignominy'".
It combines Xfm's music (The Killers, Stereophonics, Arcade Fire, Snow Patrol) with a breakfast vibe that's nicely understated and tolerable for listeners allergic to effervescent, shouty shows in the morning. The pilfering led to stories that were gloriously underwhelming and odd: a pack of toilet rolls hooked to a shopping trolley and wheeled out of the shop; a cheap pair of socks mistakenly not paid for. The accidental thief went back later to pay and didn't get quite the welcome she expected. "Oh, you're one of those people," a sulky member of staff said.
Apart from local travel news and weather, the show positions itself as a UK-wide listen broadcast from London. In one feature, Wallace asks for pleasing tidings: "Good news from the city, good news from the country". Again, the material this garnered was likeably quirky. News reporter Matt Dyson celebrated successfully relocating a big spider at home "using a pink plastic bowl and copy of Grazia". Then Wallace ended the show with The Foo Fighters, fluffing the band's name a bit. "The Foofs, as only I say," he quipped.
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TV review ? Natural World: The Woman Who Swims With Killer Whales
Killer whales are the ocean's top predator ? and Ingrid just loves swimming with them
I wonder how long it will take, in Natural World: The Woman Who Swims With Killer Whales (BBC2), for the phrase "the ocean's apex predator" to come up. There it is! Six minutes, three seconds, by my watch. OK, so actually it's "the ocean's top predator" and if you're playing this game properly, maybe even spread betting, you need to make it clear what variations (vocabulary, word order etc) are allowed. But for now that's good enough for me. You can pretty much guarantee it with a killer whale doco. Great white sharks too. Can there be two top/apex ocean predators? Who'd win in a fight? Oh, the killer whale, I see from YouTube. That's a dangerous thing by the way, getting involved in Animal A v Animal B videos on YouTube, you'll soon find you've wasted half a day.
Anyway, we're in New Zealand, which has a dwindling, ageing population of killer whales. Much like its human population, in fact. The experts reckon it has something to do with pollutants in the water, but my theory is that The Lord of the Rings scenery isn't enough to keep the young killer whales there. So they swim halfway round the world and up the Thames where, in spite of the dirty, cramped conditions, they live in noisy superpods with Australian and South African killer whales, behaving badly. That's just my theory though.
Now there are fewer than 200 killer whales left around New Zealand. And Ingrid Visser, The Woman Who Swims With Killer Whales, knows ? and swims with ? all of them. She's lucked out today, hit upon a big pod. "Crikey, it's like orca soup out here," she says, happily. Then, ignoring their 10cm teeth, their huge jaws, their tails that could kill her with just one blow, Ingrid gets kitted up and slides in with them, "entering the lair of the ocean's top predator," says narrator John Hannah, ominously.
They actually seem pretty nice, these orcas, much friendlier than those ones that come up Argentinian beaches to snatch baby seals, which they then play keepy-uppy with before tearing them to shreds. Or the ones in Florida themeparks that have trainers ? as in the people who train them, not sports shoes ? for lunch.
These ones are gentle and playful, inquisitive with Ingrid. They're genetically different to orcas found elsewhere, and have a different dialect. So they squeak and click with a Kiwi accent ? they probably talk about how ixcellent it is to have fush for tea. Rays are their favourite, which they pick up from the seabed by the tail. Careful guys, don't forget what happened to Steve Irwin ? God rest his soul ? not so very far from here. I think I'm more worried about the orcas than about Ingrid.
"Wow, that was incredible," she says emerging on the surface, whooping and beaming in that way that diving folk do after a good dive. "It's almost like orca soup down there, there's so many of them." Ingrid likes her orca soup.
As usual with these films, it's the crazy person who has dedicated their life to their chosen creature that makes it work. This might not be of the quality of Werner Herzog's Grizzly Man, but it's a lot more interesting for having Ingrid in it than if it was just about the killer whales. Animal people plus animals usually make better films than animals on their own. Ingrid's not as crazy as Tim in Grizzly Man; she doesn't end up inside one of her subjects, as he did. Not yet. She would though: "If I had to, I would give my life for those animals, I would do anything to protect them," she says.
Killer whales are her thing, but there's room in Ingrid's heart for other marine mammals too. A bunch of pilot whales gets stranded on a beach ? dozens of them. I'm thinking pilot whale soup, but not good soup. Bloody hell, these animals are stupid. One gets stuck and the others all come and join it. There's nothing apex about a pilot whale. I reckon I could probably beat one in a fight. Badly named too ? pilots are supposed to know their way around.
Ingrid gets involved, of course. She's there in the shallows, helping out, keeping the whales upright and wet, offering words of encouragement to the other rescuers, words of comfort to the whale, shedding a tear for the ones that don't make it. Just 13 survive and are herded, exhausted, back out to sea. "What a sight," says Ingrid. "I don't know whether to laugh or cry." No mention of soup ? too watered down now, I think.
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Gaddafi's daughter gives birth in Algeria
Colonel Gaddafi's daughter Aisha has given birth to a baby girl just hours after fleeing to Algeria, a source was quoted as saying on Tuesday. "Aisha gave birth very early this morning. She had a little girl. Mother and daughter are doing fine," a government official told AFP.
Aisha, her mother Safiya and brother Mohammed and Hannibal arrived in Algeria after escaping rebel forces. They arrived Monday morning in a convoy of six armored Mercedes.
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Non M. Ziad Makhoul, vous n?avez pas raison!
Samir Messarra En lisant l?article de M. Ziad Makhoul dans l?Orient Le Jour du 4 Aout 2011, je me suis trouv� dans l?obligation de r�pondre en partageant avec lui le point de vue de beaucoup de Libanais qui s?opposent � des id�es pr�con�ues et � un style p�joratif qui s?efforce d?�tre percutant.Dans ce contexte, je voudrai lui souligner les observations suivantes:Le fait que M. Makhoul ma�trise bien son fran�ais ne lui permet pas de s?adresser � ses adversaires politiques d?une fa�on d�shonorante. S?il a voulu d�crire les prises de position de ses compatriotes comme une ?�nerie politique?, c?est parce qu?il n?est pas en mesure de contester ces prises de position d?une fa�on s�rieuse et �thique. En voulant �tre �loquent, M. Makhoul s?enfonce dans la m�diocrit� � travers un discours sournois et de bas niveau, comme s?il se regardait dans un miroir. Ceci n?est pas surprenant de la part de nos amis du 13 Mars qui n?ont pas encore accept� le fait de se retrouver en dehors du pouvoir.Je ne comprends pas pourquoi M. Makhoul est tellement �nerv�. Si le G�n�ral Michel Aoun et ses braves lieutenants (boudu ou pas) vont un jour payer cher le prix de leur choix, il devrait en �tre ravi et non pas stress�. Les questions qu?il nous pose sont les m�mes que nous pouvons tout aussi bien lui poser. Donc le risque est identique pour lui et nous. Seuls, les �lecteurs qui vont voter en 2013 vont nous dire si nous avons eu tort ou raison. Jusqu?� pr�sent, ils ne nous ont pas lach�.� �La diff�rence entre M. Makhoul et nous, est que notre choix politique a �t� toujours inspir� de la force du droit. Le jour o� le pays �tait sous le joug de l?envahisseur, nous avons combattu seul afin que notre droit � la libert� soit restaur�. Le jour o� l?envahisseur a quitt� le pays, nous avons travaill� courageusement afin que notre droit de vivre en paix avec un voisin influent soit r�cup�r�. Le jour o� nous avons voulu comprendre nos compatriotes et les accepter en tant que partenaires ; nous avons travaill� avec eux afin que notre droit de vivre en harmonie se r�alise. Qu?avez-vous fait M. Makhoul ? Si vous consid�rez que tous ces efforts ne sont que soumission, habillage, d�shabillage, caprices et contradictions ; nous ne pouvons pas vous en emp�cher. Vous �tes libre de penser ainsi, cependant ceci ne changera en rien nos convictions.Enfin, j?aurai esp�r� que M. Makhoul nous dise quel est son choix politique ? Est-ce celui du nouvel axe Clinton- Zawahiri qui pointe � l?horizon de notre fameux Moyen Orient ? Est-ce celui des int�gristes qui ont un jour envahi Ashrafieh avec un pseudo-consentement de la r�volution des C�dres ? Est-ce celui du conflit inter-communautaire pr�n� par des �trangers et manipul� par des brigands qui veulent exploiter l?aspiration des peuples aux r�formes, en utilisant la violence afin de cr�er une r�action des r�gimes en place encore plus violentes ?�Si tel est le choix de M. Makhoul, je ne peux que le f�liciter, car ce nouvel axe Americano-Int�gristes, va pousser encore une fois les Chr�tiens de cette r�gion � errer dans les quatre coins du monde comme ce fut le cas en Irak.Pour toutes ces raisons ; permettez-moi de vous dire � haute voix : Non, Mr. Ziad Makhoul, vous n?avez pas raison.� |
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Borut Pahor reconciles Serbia with Merkel
Decision by Serbia President Boris Tadic to call after unpleasant meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel a friend, in this case Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor, to help in an attempt to improve Serbian stake for the EU, turned out to be a right move. Yesterday after lunch with Pahor in Ljubljana, Merkel considerably moderated her stance by saying that ?gradual approach can be used in settlement of Kosovo problem?.
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Amnesty: Huge increase of deaths in Syrian prisons
The number of deaths in Syrian prisons increased significantly this year, Amnesty International said Tuesday, describing it as one of the "most shocking features" of the regime's crackdown on protesters.
"No less than 88 such deaths have been reported to Amnesty International as occurring during the period from April 1 and August 15," including 10 children aged between 13 and 18, the human rights group said.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Rebel leader urges Gaddafi aides to kill him
The Libyan rebels on Wednesday declared a reward worth US$ 1.7 million to anyone who captures or kills Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The offer was made by local businessmen, and the "Transitional National Council," the political body of the rebels, declared its support to this initiative.
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Absolutely Fabulous is back ? crack open the Bolly and Stolly
Ab Fab's Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders return as Patsy and Edina to BBC for 20th anniversary specials
Fashion-mad PR guru Edina Monsoon and inebriated magazine editor Patsy Stone are to return to our screens in three new episodes of Absolutely Fabulous, the BBC has confirmed.
The award-winning comedy series will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year with three 30-minute specials picking up Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and Patsy (Joanna Lumley) in the present day. The other original cast members ? Julia Sawalha as Saffy, June Whitfield as Edina's mother and Jane Horrocks as Bubble ? will also reprise their roles.
In the first episode, fans will rejoin the ensemble in the midst of a life-changing experience for one ? which affects them all, the BBC said.
In the second show, Edina sets her sights on changing the career of someone described as "a very big fish indeed".
In the concluding episode, Edina and Patsy play their own very special part in the London 2012 Olympics.
Saunders said: "It's great that we are able to celebrate our 20th birthday with all the original cast. Like a good bottle of champagne we hope we have got better with time without losing any of our sparkle.
"Last week, when we started filming in dear old west London, it was as if nothing had changed. It was raining. Nevertheless, we are so happy to be working for an audience that has grown just a tiny bit older like us, but is still willing to let us fall over on TV in the name of PR."
Jon Plowman, executive producer of BBC Comedy and original producer of the Absolutely Fabulous series, said: "Viewers have been fantastically loyal in their devotion to our show, so we're really thrilled to say that it's coming back."
The sitcom aired from 1992 to 2003, with specials in 2004 and 2005.
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Monday, August 29, 2011
This is Dora the Explorer. Kids go mad for her.
Is this a show designed to appeal to children whose first language is videogames ? or the other way round, priming toddlers for Xbox?
Just what is it with Dora the Explorer? For those of you without children under 10, Dora the Explorer is a pandemically successful children's cartoon that follows the magical adventures of a seven-year-old girl called Dora and her best friend, a monkey called Boots. The show is many things that drive parents nuts. It is nothing like Roobarb and Custard, the cult 1970s cartoon of blessed memory. It is horribly anodyne. It is soupily right-on. It is insanely repetitive. And its characters pronounce every syllable with the sort of enTHUSiASTic EMPHasis that makes the adult listener feel suicidal.
But kids go mad for it. Whether you like it or not, and whether you have kids or not, this stuff is worming its way deep into the collective unconscious of the next generation. And, as well as being annoying, Dora is really weird ? in an interesting way.
Here's how it works. The structure is as tight as a sonnet: three quatrains and a two-line payoff. Dora always has some sort of mission, be it waking up a sleeping rooster, going to a boring party, or returning a lost fish to his family. That mission involves going to three locations, each of which appears on a map Dora carries about her person. "I'm the map, I'm the map! I'm the map, I'm the map! I'm the ma-a-a-p!" this wretched scroll yelps as it opens. You, the viewer, are asked to tell Dora which location she needs to go to next, and off she trots.
In each location, she meets a friend and helps them overcome a problem. Her progress is soundtracked by recurring songs. V�monos, Let's Go! sets her off and, at the end, cartoon insects with musical instruments start jamming an equally annoying number called We Did It! Everything in Dora ends with an exclamation mark.
The wildcard is Swiper the fox. This sneaky creature will appear ? wearing blue gloves and a bandido eyemask that conceals his identity from absolutely nobody ? and attempt to swipe something. If he's spotted, and Dora can shout "Swiper no swiping!" three times before he reaches his target, he will snap his fingers in frustration and exclaim, in a California stoner accent, "Oh ma-a-a-n!" If he gets there before Dora's third cry, he swipes. An object vanishes and he exclaims in horrid triumph: "You're t-o-o-o LATE!"
Ma-a-a-n, Swiper haunts my dreams. Why that incantation? And what is this motiveless swiping about, given that all he ever does is chuck the object away leaving Dora to go and pick it up? What is uniquely strange about Dora, though ? and the reason it should be an object of curiosity even to those who don't wince like Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther movies every time they hear the words "I'm the map!" ? is that it is expressly modelled on a computer game.
Part of the credit sequence is even designed like a retro Nintendo game, with Frogger-style logs, rafts and crocodiles going back and forth; Dora is often collecting stars, Mario-style; she has a useless animal sidekick, just like Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog; and she has two magic helpers, a map and a backpack, that find an echo in any number of games. So video game aesthetics dominate ? but the oddest thing of all is the cursor. When you "help" identify an object in Dora's backpack, or "tell her" where the map wants her to go next, a cursor marks your (imagined) intervention. The backpack opens and a number of objects circle above it. You'll be asked: can you find the length of rope? There's a pause. Then this fat arrow-shaped cursor appears above it and makes an audible click. Well done! You found it!
Finally, there's that three-part structure. On the one hand, it mimics the shape of myths and fairytales: we have three distinct episodes of adversity, a trickster in Swiper, and a final triumph. Julia Donaldson's stories ? The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Tiddler ? rely on near-identical structures. But it's also how computer games work: small challenges (levels or sub-levels) that are essentially variations on a theme, telescoped into a bigger story arc.
It's genuinely open to question what's going on here. Is this a show designed to appeal to children whose first language, so to speak, is video games? Or is it the other way round: a show designed to get children accustomed to clicks, cursors and modular level design ? essentially, grooming toddlers for Xbox? Or is it just a telly programme dementedly pretending to be interactive in the hope of passing muster in the digital age?
I'm baffled. But it's enough to make me wonder if, while we're earnestly scrutinising the work of avant-garde artists and the like, in the hope of finding the new hybrid forms that will shape 21st-century minds, we might be better off tuning in to kids' TV.
Luis Valbuena's slam powers Columbus past Pawtucket: Minor-league report
Drennan's RBI single lifts Aeros in 12th; infield mistake dooms Kinston; Crushers post road win in Traverse City.
AAA Columbus Clippers
Clippers 5, Pawsox 2: Luis Valbuena hit a grand slam in the second inning and Corey Kluber (7-8, 5.61) pitched 6 scoreless innings as Columbus beat host Pawtucket. Kluber recorded 11 strikeouts and walked five. Valbuena, who is batting .299, hit his 16th homer of the season. The Clippers' Cord Phelps doubled in the first inning and then scored on a single by Jerad Head. After the Pawsox threatened a rally with two runs in the bottom of the ninth, Josh Judy replaced Zach Putnam, and earned his 20th save.
AA Akron Aeros
Aeros 4, Senators 3: LF John Drennen's (.243) RBI single in the bottom of the 12th allowed RF Ben Copeland to score the winning run. Aeros pinch hitter Kyle Bellow's (.234) RBI single in the bottom of the ninth scored Drennen to send the game into extra innings. An RBI double by Copeland in the second inning scored CF Jordan Henry (.253).
Advanced A Kinston Indians
Nationals 6, Indians 3: A mishandled popup was the Indians' undoing in the 11th inning Tuesday. The Potomac Nationals' Francisco Soriano hit the popup on the infield. None of the four K-Tribe infielders took charge and the ball dropped, scoring Sandy Leon from second base. The K-Tribe had tied the game in the ninth on RBI singles by PH Jeremie Tice (.268) and C Roberto Perez (.233).
A Lake County Captains
The Captains were idle Tuesday night.
Independent Lake Erie Crushers
Crushers 4, Beach Bums 1: Jordan Rivera's RBI double and Kyle Boe's RBI single paced Lake Erie in the win at Traverse City, Mich.
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Redress Claims' no win, no fee PPI call cost a packet
A mis-sold payment protection insurance phone call ended up with Redress Claims taking �4,330 from your credit card
Redress Claims phoned offering to help claim back mis-sold payment protection insurance on a no win, no fee basis. We discussed my credit cards, loans and mortgage and they asked for my credit card details. The fee would be �4,330 and they would send an application pack for me to sign and return straight away so they could proceed. It arrived on 7 June and I started to gather information but three days later was rushed into hospital. After recuperating with friends, I returned home on 4 July and discovered that Redress Claims had taken �4,330 from my credit card on the day of the phone call. I am now paying interest, which I can't afford.
I was told I'd missed the cooling-off period, which they never mentioned. They claimed they have already done work worth �3,466 and, if I cancel now, I will get back only �864. I feel I'm being blackmailed.
JC, Preston, Lancashire
I wonder how people at Redress Claims sleep at night. As you now know, reclaiming mis-sold PPI premiums, either from the lender or through the Financial Ombudsman Service, is completely free. I wanted to know just what Redress Claims does for �4,330 but it wouldn't talk to me, even though you gave your authority for the firm to discuss your complaint with me. It just emailed to say you had resolved your concerns and the matter is closed and subject to legal privilege, whatever that is. I had asked why it had taken money from you upfront after calling it a no win, no fee service. It said it charges in several different ways and it is up to the client to choose. You hadn't even chosen to do business with the company before it took your money.
I asked Redress Claims for a complete refund as you had not agreed to sign up, but it said the telephone call created a verbal contract. You could have cancelled in the cooling-off period but weren't told about this and were soon in hospital. It refuses to release you from the contract. The company would still talk only to you, not me, and you felt so pressured that you did send in a completed application form.
At that point, Redress Claims discovered it had overcharged you. Claims management firms charge a percentage, typically 25% plus VAT, of the total compensation received. Apparently the original saleswomen had written down a higher figure than you were actually claiming. It is refunding �2,740, which you have accepted.
You can email Margaret Dibben at or write to Margaret Dibben, Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU and include a telephone number. Do not enclose SAEs or original documents. The newspaper accepts no legal responsibility for advice.
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Beau Mills' walk-off single propels Columbus over Norfolk in 13: Minor-league report
Aeros finally score, but can't top Erie; Wilmington shuts down Kinston; sloppy defense undoes Lake County; Scrappers duo shuts out Aberdeen; Roberts sharp in Crushers' win.
AAA Columbus Clippers
Clippers 6, Tides 5 (13): Beau Mills' bases-loaded, pinch-hit single with none out in the bottom of the 13th scored Shelley Duncan for host Columbus against Norfolk (Va.).
Duncan led off with a walk, stole second and advanced to third on a throwing error by Tides catcher John Hester. 1B Nick Johnson (.210) and 3B Jared Goedert (.209) were intentionally walked by Josh Rupe to load the bases before Mills (.167), recently promoted from Akron, came through with the walk-off hit.
2B Cord Phelps (.294), LF Jerad Head (.280) and Goedert homered for the Clippers. LH Nick Hagadone (4-1, 3.71 ERA) earned the victory with three innings of scoreless relief.
AA Akron Aeros
SeaWolves 5, Aeros 1: Akron C Michel Hernandez (.480) broke the host Aeros' 26-inning scoreless streak with a run-scoring single, but the Aeros lost the finale of a four-game series against Erie (Pa.). The Aeros (55-54) lost three of four to the SeaWolves (51-57) and lost the season series.
LH T.J. McFarland (7-6, 4.09) took the loss for Akron. He gave up four runs on seven hits and two walks in six innings. He struck out five.
Advanced A Kinston Indians
Blue Rocks 5, Indians 2: RH Brett Brach (6-8, 3.34) allowed three runs -- two earned-- in seven innings, but Kinston lost in Wilmington, Del. SS Casey Frawley (.206) and LF Jordan Casas (.500) each had two hits for the K-Tribe.
A Lake County Captains
Lugnuts 10, Captains 6: LF Brian Heere (.267) had three hits, including a three-run double, but Lake County could not overcome four errors and nine walks as host Lansing (Mich.) triumphed. The loss snapped a six-game win streak for the Captains.
The Lugnuts took a 6-0 lead, but Heere's bases-clearing shot to right-center got Lake County to within 7-5 in the fifth inning. A sacrifice fly by CF Luigi Rodriguez (.300) in the sixth plated RF Carlos Moncrief (.245) to cut the margin to one before Lansing pulled away.
A Mahoning Valley Scrappers
Scrappers 1, IronBirds 0: CF Cody Elliott's eighth-inning sacrifice fly scored 2B Todd Hankins, and LH Danny Jimenez and RH Cody Allen combined for a six-hit shutout of host Aberdeen (Md.). Jimenez (2.79) allowed six hits and one walk in 6 innings. He struck out two. Allen (3-1, 2.27) struck out three in 21/3 perfect innings of relief.
Independent Lake Erie Crushers
Crushers 4, Wild Things 1: RH Josh Roberts (7-4) tossed six scoreless innings as host Lake Erie downed Washington (Pa.).
Clint Eastwood Tobin tax Vladimir Putin al-Qaida Television industry Oscars
Jerad Head, Jared Goedert homer as Clippers turn back Norfolk: Minor-league report
Adam Miller labors for Aeros, Montero shines for Captains, Casas has three hits in Kinston loss, late rally lifts Scrappers, Lake Erie dominates Washington.
AAA Columbus Clippers
Clippers 5, Tides 4: LF Jerad Head (.282) hit a two-run homer and doubled in a run and 3B Jared Goedert (.206) added a two-run homer as host Columbus beat Norfolk (Va.) in the International League game.
AA Akron Aeros
SeaWolves 5, Aeros 0: RH Adam Miller (1-3, 7.01) stumbled on the comeback trail, giving up eight hits and five runs in two innings of relief as Erie (Pa.) beat the Aeros at Canal Park in the Eastern League game.
Advanced A Kinston Indians
Blue Rocks 4, Indians 1: SS Gerard Hall's two-RBI single in the seventh inning lifted host Wilmington (Del.) to the Carolina League win. RF Jordan Casas, recently promoted from Lake County, went 3-for-4 with a triple and scored the K-Tribe's run.
A Lake County Captains
Captains 7, Lugnuts 5: C Moises Montero (.175) doubled in a run in a three-run rally in the second inning and doubled and scored in the seventh as Lake County defeated host Lansing (Mich.) in the Midwest League game. Captains 3B Giovanny Urshela (.244) hit a two-run homer.
A Mahoning Valley Scrappers
Scrappers 4, Ironbirds 1: Mahoning Valley used RBI singles by C Jake Lowery (.273), 2B KC Serna (.264) and 1B Jerrud Sabourin (.195) and took advantage of sloppy defense by the IronBirds to score four runs in the eighth inning and win at Aberdeen (Md.) in a New York-Penn League game.
Independent Lake Erie Crushers
Crushers 7, Wild Things 0: OF Kellen Kulbacki tripled and C Kyle Shaffer doubled as Lake Erie rapped out 10 hits in the rout in Avon.
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Flanagan calls on Mayo to learn from past
Terry Reilly
FEW footballers in Mayo are steeped in the county’s history as much as Dermot Flanagan. His father was captain of the two All-Ireland winning teams of 1950-’51 and he served the county as one of its best corner backs from 1982 to 1997.
On Sunday he watched the latest crop of his home county take to the Croke Park turf and, despite the loss, he liked what he saw. But knowing the history of failure which has followed promising Mayo sides over the years he hopes the squad learns lessons from Sunday’s loss and applies them without delay.
“You can’t let it lie,” he said.
“That’s a big danger in Mayo that collectively, I’d love to see everyone look at this and hope this young team don’t have the unfortunate experience we had. We had a break through in 1985 but we had a horrendous ’86 and ’87, played Meath at the top of their game in ’88 and lost the final in ’89. I’d maintain ’86 and ’87 were lost years. My wish is this team, this coming national league, that they build realistically on what they achieved this year.”
But to do that he hopes things have changed from his day. Back then the step up from club football to the county team was too much for most players to handle.
When he started in the side he was the only player stretching before and after training. His teammates thought it was odd but he was technique obsessed and only ever ate the correct food in anticipation of a big game.
It wasn’t until he went to college that he learned at a faster rate. Several Mayo players based in Dublin joined Micheal Ó Muircheartaigh training sessions with the Kerry players in the capital. He got to tog out beside Jack O’Shea and Mick Spillane from 1983 to 1993.
Coming from Mayo’s most barren period it gave him the confidence to develop. There was no one in Mayo to pass on that knowledge to him and it’s something he hopes has improved over time.
“We made far too many mistakes in our preparation and mental approach in that time. It took an excellent team seven years to get there. We learned the hard way by bitter experience.
“There’s no degree of continuity, of handing stuff back. I’ve live in Kilkenny now and in 2001 they were concerned with the standard slipping in the county. They wrote to former county hurlers and asked them to get back involved in their club. It was a resounding success. Imagine Kilkenny was concerned about the standards slipping in hurling.”
The barrister went to some of Mayo’s training sessions in Dublin and imparted advice to the younger members on the little nuggets he picked up through his years of service. He feels it went well and a text from one of the players confirmed it.
But Mayo’s failure to pass on that advice more often has cost them. He believes, if it was done in the right spirit, the county teams could harvest the older players for specialist knowledge in various positions. Maurice Sheridan’s freetaking, Liam McHale’s fielding, Kevin McStay’s killer instinct, could all be passed on to the younger generation to prevent them losing years learning those secret arts.
They’ll also need a bigger panel and a quiet winter.
“Realistically they must find more players because you win with squads. Two or three injuries can devastate a developing team so there needs to be a squad.
“Above all there needs to be a sense of being sensible and realistic about what was achieved this year and building from the right point. We lost a final in ’89 and the euphoria over the winter was crazy and it was hard to get the heads right for the first round of the championship. Everyone in the county needs to pull together at all levels because there needs to be a fairly significant step up.”
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Donnie Webb's sac fly helps Akron avoid sweep by New Hampshire: Minor-league report
T.J. House loses 11th game as Kinston falls; Lake County swept in twinbill; Lake Erie nipped at Evansville; Columbus and Mahoning Valley rained out.
AA Akron Aeros
Aeros 2, Fisher Cats 1: Donnie Webb broke a 1-1 tie in the top of the ninth with a sacrifice fly as Akron avoided a three-game sweep at Eastern League foe New Hampshire. Lefty pitcher Matt Packer (6-11) pitched eight innings, allowing one earned run on three hits in eight innings. He struck out seven and walked one.
Advanced A Kinston Indians
Red Sox 10, Indians 3: Left-hander T.J. House (6-11) surrendered three runs in five innings and absorbed the loss as Kinston (N.C.) lost a Carolina League game in Salem, Va. House gave up eight hits and walked four. Second baseman Casey Frawley hit his 11th home run of the year for the K-Tribe, a bases-empty shot in the ninth.
A Lake County Captains
Dragons 9-7, Captains 2-1: Dayton beat visiting Lake County twice Sunday. The Dragons' 7-1 victory followed the completion of a game suspended by rain in Eastlake on Aug. 9. The Captains' lone run in the second game came in the top of the seventh and final inning on a ground out by Aaron Fields that scored LeVon Washington. The opener picked up in the top of the fourth with Dayton leading, 2-0. Although not the losing pitcher, Joey Mahalic gave up six hits and five runs -- four earned -- in four innings of relief Sunday.
Independent Lake Erie Crushers
Otters 7, Crushers 6: Lake Erie lost its second straight Frontier League game in Evansville, Ind., after having won 10 in a row. Evansville out-hit Lake Erie, 11-8.
AAA Columbus Clippers
Clippers vs. Red Wings, ppd.: Columbus' International League game at Rochester, N.Y., was rained out. A doubleheader in Rochester is scheduled Monday at 5:05 p.m.
A Mahoning Valley Scrappers
Scrappers vs. Cyclones, ppd.: The New York-Penn League game between Brooklyn (N.Y.) and Mahoning Valley in Niles was rained out. No makeup date was announced.
Notes: Outfielder Jordan Smith leads the Scrappers in hitting with a .335 average. He has 61 hits in 182 at-bats. With 25 walks, his on-base percentage is .430.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Argentine president campaigns in farm heartland not so long ago ?enemy territory?
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner made on Friday a deep incursion into the province of Buenos Aires farmland where she headed the inauguration of a railway line which will reactivate the train service connecting twenty towns in the area.
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Used car prices fall as buyers downsize
Auto Trader says asking prices for used large family cars fell 23% year-on-year, as buyers become increasingly cautious
The average asking price for a used car in the UK was �9,206 in the second quarter of the year, down 1.3% on the same period in 2010 ? but a 6% drop after taking inflation into account, according to Auto Trader. It said the fall can be attributed to the recession putting a squeeze on household finances and high fuel prices.
The company, which claims to be the largest digital marketplace for vehicles with 80% of all available used cars for sale in the UK (and is part-owned by Guardian Media Group), said the average asking price for second-hand cars was at its highest in March 2011, at �9,400, but had dropped 3.7% by July to �9,054. Average prices in London fell the most in the UK year-on-year, plunging 5.9% from �10,247 to �9,644.
The index indicates there is an emerging trend in buyers looking to downsize to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars, as well as multi-car households moving back to single-car ownership. The average asking price for used large family cars such as the Peugeot 607 and Citroen C6 dropped by 22.7% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2011 from �4,928 to �3,809; the average asking price for used small cars remained "relatively resilient by comparison", the company said.
Among the top 10 most searched for vehicles on Auto Trader, only the Ford Fiesta showed an increase in the average asking price sought over the year. The nine remaining marques all recorded actual price reductions, with the average asking price for the most searched-for vehicle ? the BMW 3 series ? showing a 15.8% reduction in the second quarter of 2011 versus the same period in 2010.
It is not the case the further north buyers travel, the cheaper the price: the average asking price for a Ford Mondeo was �8,536 in Scotland against �5,755 in the south-west. But three regions in the Auto Trader Index saw average asking price increases in actual terms, including the east of England, Yorkshire and Scotland.
The company also said it is taking a week longer to buy a used car this year than it did in the second quarter of 2010, as buyers have become increasingly cautious.
Tim Peake, director of Auto Trader, said: "Market conditions are clearly making it tougher for dealers to reach closure on deals. The luxury end of the market has also been feeling some pressure. The average asking price for high performance coupes has suffered, though the resilience in asking prices for 4x4s and saloons suggests some buyers are switching away from brand new to nearly new.
"But it is not all bad news. This is currently a buyers' market. Good quality cars by some of the best manufacturers are now available at prices lower, and in some cases considerably lower, than a year or 18 months ago."
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